Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is infection of a woman’s reproductive organs. Infection spreads upward from the cervix to the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and surrounding structures. Bacteria can infect the fallopian tubes and cause inflammation. When this happens, normal tissue can become scarred and block the normal passage of an egg. You may become infertile….

Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis

Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis

Treatments for bacterial vaginosis or BV usually consist of antibiotics. Keep in mind this is not a sexually transmitted disease. What happens is that bacteria overgrow because the vaginal pH becomes more alkaline. Antibiotic Medications There are several antibiotics that may be used such as clindamycin and Metronidazole (vaginally or orally). For Metronidazole, the dosage…

Left Ovary Pain

Left Ovary Pain

Left ovary pain refers to mild or severe pain felt in the left ovary, which is located in the lower left part of the umbilicus. To treat the health condition properly, it is important that patients identify the cause of the problem. To know the cause of pain, patients should undergo effective diagnostic methods like biopsy, ultrasound or pelvic examination.

Chlamydia Symptoms

Chlamydia Symptoms

Together with gonorrhea, Chlamydia is one of the two most common forms of sexually transmitted diseases worldwide. Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, common signs of this disease include testicular pain, painful sexual intercourse and vaginal discharge. Learn how to manage the major and minor Chlamydia symptoms by knowing its different causes, diagnosis and treatments.

What Causes AIDS?

What Causes AIDS?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). HIV is differentiated from many viruses because of its lethality. It kills or damages the cells of the body’s immune system, and progressively destroys the body’s ability to fight infections and certain cancers. The immune system is the body’s defense against infections; it…