Eczema Remedies

Eczema Remedies

The skin in our body is an outer covering that is made up of multiple layers of mesodermal tissue. It protects the underlying muscles, bones, ligaments and internal organs. The skin’s function is to protect the body against germs, and excessive water loss. It also regulates heat and temperature, and synthesizes vitamin D. The skin…

Toothache Home Remedies

Toothache Home Remedies

Toothache, as the name itself suggests, refers to an aching pain experienced in and around the tooth. It is also referred to as odontalgia. A toothache can range from mild pain or discomfort to excruciating, unbearable pain. The causes for toothache include emergence of wisdom tooth, problems relating to the gums or the jaw, exposed…

Remedy for Hot Flashes

Remedy for Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are a common complaint among women experience menopause. Hot flashes are characterised by sudden, intense, hot feelings on the face and upper body and sometimes preceded or accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, sweating, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, headache, weakness or a feeling of asphyxiation. The hot flash is followed by a flush, leaving skin…