Depression Symptoms

Depression Symptoms

Depression is also known as major depressive disorder, which is a mental illness marked by an extremely low mood. It is usually caused by a combination of environmental, genetic and biochemical factors. It is easier to understand this medical condition by taking a closer look at the various depression symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.

Natural Remedies for ADD

Natural Remedies for ADD

The issues regarding ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) have remained controversial. Some people believe that it is not a behavioral disorder. However, regardless of whether the symptoms associated with ADD indicate a behavioral disorder or not, there are certain holistic approaches that can be taken to address them. Natural Remedies…

Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s disease is a neurodegenerative genetic disorder that typically materializes near middle age. In rare cases where the disease manifests in younger individuals the disease is usually more aggressive and maintains more pronounced symptoms. It generally affects people of European descent and is classified as a rare disease affecting only as much as 7 in…

What Causes Fear?

What Causes Fear?

What is fear Fear is an emotional response to a threat. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger. Fear should be distinguished from the related emotional state of anxiety, which typically occurs without any external threat. Additionally, fear is related to…

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease is a disease that affects the brain. It is a degenerative, incurable terminal disease. It is mostly defined or referred to as a progressive and fatal brain disease. Alzheimer’s Disease is a common form for dementia that affects memory and eventually leads to disturbances with regard to using language, reasoning, planning and perception….

What Causes Nightmares?

What Causes Nightmares?

Dreams are a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. A nightmare is an unpleasant dream. It occurs during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep that arouses strong unpleasant emotional responses of intense, inescapable fear, terror, distress, or extreme anxiety that usually awakens the sleeper. Other disturbing emotions such as anger,…

What Causes Night Sweats?

What Causes Night Sweats?

Night sweats are also known as Sleep Hyperhidrosis and refers to the occurrence of abnormally excessive perspiration during sleep or while awake. Night sweats may also be referred to as “severe hot flashes which occur at night and result in a drenching sweat”. Night sweats are more common in adults, but also affect children. Night…