Substance Abuse Treatment

Drug addiction can lead to physical, emotional and problems. It can also lead to legal troubles. However, there are many substance abuse treatments, ranging from counseling to self help groups. You can also get help from family and friends.


Counseling can come from a psychologist or counselor. Counseling can be individual or with the family. These therapies can develop ways to deal with drug longing. Through a counselor you can talk about problems with jobs, family or yourself.

Treatment Programs

These include therapy sessions aimed at making you sober. Sessions can be individual or with a group or family. This can take the form of outpatient, residential or inpatient programs.

Self Help Groups

Self help organizations offer help for people addicted to heroin, sedatives and other drugs. Your health provider can tell you how to get in touch with these self help groups.

Withdrawal Therapy

Withdrawal therapy (detoxification) is designed to help you stop using the drug as soon as possible. The detoxification process varies; some involve lessening the drug dosage, or another substance can be used temporarily (those with less side effects).

Withdrawal therapy may be done on an outpatient manner. Others require treatment in the hospital.

The sooner one gets medical help, the easier it will be to recover from drug addiction. If the person is unwilling to get therapy, friends and family members should get together and encourage them to get treatment. This talk has to be planned carefully, or it could make things worse.


The most conspicuous sign is the need to take the drug regularly. You feel the need to take the drug daily or several times a day. Without getting substance abuse treatments, the attempts to stop taking the drug often fail.

Other symptoms include making certain you always have enough supply. This means doing things like stealing just to get money to purchase the drug. The symptoms worsen, and you spend more time using the drug.

Other Signs

The body starts losing energy. There is lack of interest in dressing and grooming. The individual will start missing school or work. Work productivity will also deteriorate. Behavior also changes; the person often bars people from going to their room.

If you are living with someone who is addicted, you may notice items suddenly vanish. These may have been sold to buy drugs. Drug dependents also suffer from paranoid thinking, slurred speech, poor memory and dizziness.

Other symptoms will depend on the drug being taken. Cocaine users lose appetite, talk rapidly, are restless and have feelings of euphoria. This “high” dissipates when the drug effects wear off, hence the need to keep taking them. An overdose of drugs will lead to seizures or death.


Relationship problems, financial difficulties and peer pressure may lead to drug dependence. A problem with the family is another potential cause.

There is no shortage of substance abuse treatments a drug dependent can turn to. The crucial thing to remember is to recognize the symptoms of drug addiction so rehab can be administered.

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