Lower Leg Pain

Due to many different factors, people can experience severe pain in the lower, upper, right and left portions of their legs. Of course, lower leg pain is one of the most common, which is basically caused by injuries, accidents and other medical conditions. The most common causes include lateral compartment syndrome, deep vein thrombosis and contusion of the calf muscles. Overall, it is good to know its symptoms, causes and treatments in order to be free from the discomforts that this condition can bring.

Lower Leg Pain Symptoms

For individuals who have lateral compartment syndrome, the symptoms are tenderness, swelling and a sharp stabbing pain. Meanwhile, the signs of posterior compartment syndrome include chronic pain and tingling sensation in the shin area. For those who have deep vein thrombosis, they can develop red areas, a dull sensation and constant shooting pain in the calf. Additionally, there is also increased temperature, swelling and tenderness. Another cause of lower leg pain is stress fracture of the fibula, which is a very painful condition marked by weight-bearing pain as well as local tenderness in the fibula area.

Causes of Lower Leg Pain

People can experience pain in the lower leg area because of many different factors. At the front part of the leg, major causes include inflammation of the tibialis anterior, anterior compartment syndrome and stress fracture of the tibula. At the back part of the lower leg, pain can be felt because of popliteal artery entrapment, contusion of the calf muscles and calf strain. All of these medical conditions are associated with severe pain. Other possible causes of pain in this particular area include delayed onset muscle soreness, deep vein thrombosis and tight calf muscles.

When the pain is found somewhere in the Achilles tendon region, the possible causes include posterior impingement syndrome, apophysitis calcanei and Achilles tendonitis. Periosteal contusion, nerve entrapments and referred pain are guaranteed to make life very difficult especially for patients.

Lower Leg Pain Diagnosis

Patients usually undergo various kinds of diagnostic tests, all of which have the primary purpose of identifying the cause of pain. There are numerous methods available, one of which is physical examination. While doing this, the medical practitioner will test the patient for limp nodes in the groin area, analyze the lumbosacral spine and look for bulging leg veins. They can also undergo other important examinations like magnetic resonance imaging, x-rays and blood tests. Other helpful options include synovial fluid analysis, arteriography and electromyography.

Lower Leg Pain Relief

For those suffering from shooting pain in the lower leg area, it is good to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to ease the pain and discomfort. They can also try sports massage techniques. Finally, some doctors may recommend diuretics.

For more information on Lower Leg Pain read:

Lower Leg Pain

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