Home Remedy for Gas

Everyone experiences flatulence at some point, releasing a mixture of gases called flatus present in the intestine. The symbiotic bacteria and yeast found in the gastrointestinal tract is what reacts to produce gas; because these gases are usually released under pressure, the passing of flatus is usually accompanied by a sound and often a foul odour. This occurrence can cause embarrassment for people who are experiencing it regularly and uncontrollably in public. Some experience undesirable symptoms with the releasing of gas, including: a feeling of bloating and discomfort, excessive expulsion of wind, belching and abdominal pain.

Remedies and Methods for Treating Gas

Gas or flatulence can be effectively treated using natural, home remedies. The following are a few of the tested methods and remedies for treating gas or flatulence:

  1. Mix ½ teaspoon of dry ginger powder with a pinch of asafoetida and a pinch of rock salt in a cup of warm water. To relieve yourself of the gas, drink the mixture.
  2. Before going to bed at night, mix 2 teaspoons of brandy with a cup of warm water, and drink it.
  3. Obtain fresh ginger slices and soak them in lime juice. Chew on the slices after meals.
  4. Immediately after consuming a meal, take a drop of dill oil in a teaspoon of honey; this should be a significant help.
  5. Dry grind 1 teaspoon each of: pepper, dry ginger and green cardamom seeds. Add ½ teaspoon of this mixture to water and drink an hour after consuming a meal.
  6. The oldest remedy in the book is to suck on a peppermint after meals. Peppermint contains menthol which soothes the digestive muscles, and thus helps in treating flatulence, bloating and abdominal pain that accompanies gas. For years now, peppermint oil combined with caraway oil has been used to treat abdominal discomfort caused by flatulence.

Adjusting Diet to Remedy Gas

    1. Diet is a major factor that plays into flatulence. There are certain foods that inherently produce gas when consumed. If gas is a problem for you, it will help significantly to avoid those foods and remove them from your usual diet. Foods to avoid include:
      • Beans
      • Cabbage
      • Brussels sprouts
      • Cauliflower
      • Broccoli
      • Yeast containing foods such as breads and cheese
      • Carbonated drinks
      • Oats
      • Potatoes

Clearly, the foods listed are healthy foods that we all need to maintain a balanced diet. So if flatulence is not a major concern, lessening your consumption of these food, instead of removing them from your diet completely is rational measure.

  1. Eating smaller meals is also an effective measure in reducing flatulence. Chew food slowly, and eat at a slow, regular pace. Wolfing down food will cause air to get trapped inside the gastrointestinal tract and promote the release of gas. Exercise regularly, or simply engage in more physical activity to keep the intestinal muscles in ship shape. Drink water and ensure a steady intake of fibre to promote regular bowel movements; this keeps the levels of gas producing bacteria low, thus resulting in less flatulence.

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