Gas Pain

Gas Pain

Gas pain is one of the most common sensations felt in the abdomen. Since gas pain is usually felt from time to time, it is best that this condition be understood by many. Therefore, here is a comprehensive guide towards knowing the basic information about gas pain.

Hemorrhoid Treatment

Hemorrhoid Treatment

Located in the anal canal, hemorrhoids are vascular structures that aid in controlling stool. To put it simply, hemorrhoids consist of connective tissues and arterio-venous channels and they function like cushions to aid the smooth passage of stools. When these cushion-like structures get inflammed or swollen, it can lead to comlications such as painless rectal…

Liver Disease

Liver Disease

Definition of Liver Disease Liver disease or hepatic disease describes any disease that affects the liver. Most liver diseases will be accompanied by jaundice which is as a result of elevated levels of bilirubin in the circulatory system. The bilirubin is customarily removed from the blood by the liver and excreted in the bile, however…