Food Poisoning Symptoms

This health problem arises from eating dirty and contaminated food. Whatever bacteria or virus causes the illness, the symptoms are usually the same.

Food Poisoning Signs

The most common is muscle cramping. This is usually felt in the stomach area. Almost all experience diarrhea and fever. Other major indicators are vomiting and feelings of nausea. If diarrhea and vomiting persist, dehydration will take place. The severity will depend on the contaminant and the food eaten.

The symptoms may manifest a few minutes after eating. Sometimes it may take several hours.

In other cases, there is headache and muscle pain beyond the abdominal area. Bowel movement may occur up to five times a day. The symptoms may last from a few hours up to a week.

Food Poisoning Diagnosis

A doctor can determine the cause by observing the symptoms. The signs described earlier are usually enough to indicate that spoiled food is the culprit. If necessary, laboratory tests will be performed. In particular, fecal smear or the stool will be examined.

An analysis will determine what type of bacteria is present. Cases of botulism are assessed via neurological analysis. Even without going to the doctor, an individual can assess the various causes of the ailment. By analyzing the food eaten, an individual will have an idea of what is causing the pain.

Food Poisoning Treatment

The objective here is to prevent dehydration. Diarrhea and vomiting cause dehydration so it’s necessary to replace those fluids. It’s imperative that one drinks plenty of water.

Bland food must be eaten. Even with diarrhea eating is still necessary, albeit only soft foods. In some severe cases, antibiotics should be taken. These may be prescribed but over the counter drugs are also available. Among these antibiotics are sulfamethoxazole, orciprofloxacin and ampicillin.

Antitoxin is taken after 72 hours of symptom manifestation. In some cases the patient has to be hospitalized. Intravenous feeding is conducted if necessary. Only in severe cases are individuals hooked up on mechanical ventilators.

There are also alternative treatments one can use. These include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Nux vomica, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and citrus extract. A lot of people take these supplements and have drawn comfort from it.

Dosage depends on the treatment being taken. There are numerous herbal treatments available. Doing some research will be necessary before using any of them.

Food Poisoning Prevention & Cause

Food may be contaminated in many ways. Improper handling and storage is one reason. For example, milk and pastries stored at room temperature can spoil food. Raw or improperly cooked food can cause poisoning. Foods that are exposed to dust,

soil and dirty water are likely sources as well. Raw meat is particularly susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Eating food that has expired might cause some minor stomach discomfort as well.

It’s therefore important that one cooks food thoroughly. Washing hands prior to eating will prevent this from happening.

Although the symptoms can be painful, most cases of food poisoning
are easily cured. And with proper handling of food, these incidents can be avoided altogether.

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