Insomnia Remedy

Insomnia Remedy

Insomnia is as a symptom of a sleep disorder, characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity; it is specifically defined as “difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both” and it may result in inadequate quality or quantity of sleep. Persons that suffer from insomnia will eventually begin to feel less…

Insomnia Treatment

Insomnia Treatment

The main focal point for insomnia treatment is geared toward finding its cause. Transient insomnia is known to be resolved when the trigger underlying the disease is either corrected or removed. Managing the underlying problem may be the key to eliminating insomnia. Most of the time, patients will have to seek medical attention when conditions…

What Causes Yawns?

What Causes Yawns?

Yawning involves opening the mouth involuntarily while taking a long, deep breath of air. It is a reflex of simultaneous inhalation of air and stretching of the eardrums, followed by exhalation of breath. Yawning is a normal response to fatigue and drowsiness, but excessive yawning can be caused by a vasovagal reaction. This reaction is…

Snoring Remedy

Snoring Remedy

Snoring is defined as a coarse sound made by vibrations of the soft palate and other tissue in the mouth, nose & throat (upper airway). It is caused by turbulence inside the airway during inspiration; the sound may be mild or very loud where it may affect others.