Symptoms of a Ruptured Spleen

Symptoms of a Ruptured Spleen

The spleen is a highly important part of the human body as it performs numerous vital functions including the removal of damaged platelets and blood cells. A major cause of this medical condition is severe abdominal trauma, which brings chronic stabbing pain to patients. Help fight off the pain and discomfort by learning the different treatments, diagnosis and symptoms of ruptured spleen.

Remedy for Diarrhea

Remedy for Diarrhea

Diarrhea is characterised by the too regular passing of stools that are loose and without consistency. Although diarrhea is an unpleasant condition, it is an effective way for the body to rid itself of undesirable substances. This is why diarrhea usually follows conditions like food poisoning; the body is trying to rid itself of the…

Gas Pains in the Chest

Gas Pains in the Chest

Stabbing pain, tingling sensation and dull feeling are just few of the many symptoms of gas pains in the chest. These signs are usually caused by a variety of factors including food intolerances, constipation and excessive intake of laxatives. People can help ease the pain and manage their condition if they learn more about the symptoms, causes and treatments for this kind of medical problem.