Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee pain is caused by numerous factors including gout, arthritis and injuries. People can relieve themselves from such severe pain by using various kinds of treatments like the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs naproxen, ibuprofen and aspirin. Aside from these things, it is also very important to know its symptoms and diagnosis for better understanding of this medical condition.

Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is marked by the decreasing ability of the ears to understand and detect sounds. It can be caused by various environment and biological factors including earwax blockage, cochlear damage and ear infection. People can understand such serious health problem much better if they will look more closely at the different diagnostic methods, treatments as well as symptoms of hearing loss.

Addison’s Disease

Addison’s Disease

Addison disease is a condition that occurs when the body does not generate acceptable amounts of specific proteins made in the adrenal glands. The adrenal gland will produce inadequate amounts of coritsol and aldosterone in some instances. It is also refered to as adrenal insufficiency or hypocorticsolism. It may manifest at any age however the…