Prostate Infection Symptoms

Prostatitis is the general term used to denote infection of this gland. There are basically two types: non-bacterial and chronic.

Prostate Infection Signs

Among the symptoms for the non-bacterial type is bloody urine. Blood may also be present in the semen. A major warning sign is the urge to urinate frequently, but the amount is reduced. Pain is felt atop the pubic bone. There is aching in the scrotum and back.

Severe cases include pain during bowel movements. Discomfort is felt when ejaculating. The signs for the chronic illness are the same, except the patient may also experience a low grade fever. A lot of patients also feel a burning sensation when urinating.

Prostate Infection Diagnosis

A physical evaluation is performed. What the doctor looks for is any swelling in the prostate gland. Extensive urine examinations will follow. The samples are scrutinized under urinalysis. The purpose of the blood test is to look for any bacteria in the urine. An examination of the semen might show that the sperm count has been reduced.

Other tests will be done if chronic illness is suspected. Examination of the lymph nodes is done as well as evaluation of urethra discharges. The scrotum is checked for any swelling. An analysis of prostate secretions is also performed. A prostate massage is also done.

Prostate Infection Treatment

Medication consists of several antibiotics. Non-bacterial prostatitis only treats the symptoms; trying to totally eliminate the disease is very hard to attain. Among those that may be prescribed are ciprofloxacin, Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or carbenicillin. Tetracycline terazosin, doxazosin and other drugs are given.

Aspirin and other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are prescribed to mitigate pain. If medication is unsuccessful, surgery may be performed. This process is not done early in the treatment. It is only a last resort. Furthermore it may cause impotence. Men who undergo the operation may no longer be able to have babies.

Prostate Infection Prevention and Cause

Studies show that unprotected anal sex may cause the disease, so safe sex is recommended. Reducing alcohol intake could also keep the ailment away. Doctors also recommend limiting caffeine and intake of citrus juices. Researchers have also discovered that spicy foods may cause an infection.

Drinking plenty of water and fluids (at least 80 ounces) will help get rid of the bacteria in the body. Monitoring your diet helps in diagnosing and detecting any symptoms. Stress and injury could cause problems as well. A regular medical checkup will still be necessary even with the proper diet and exercise.

The cause of non-bacterial prostatitis is still unknown. The theories include bacteria, viruses or even stress. Another theory is that some urine may also flow into the prostate. Parasites could also be responsible for the ailment.

Some medical researchers suggest that psychological anxiety could also play a part in triggering it. However, there is nothing certain at this point.

Knowledge is power when dealing with prostate infection. It’s also important that one reads up on the latest findings so as to avail of the latest findings and medications.

For more information on Prostate Infection Symptoms read:

Prostate Infection Symptoms

Prostate Infection Symptoms

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