Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

What is yeast infection

A vaginal yeast infection is usually caused by a fungus called Candida albicans which is normally found in small amounts in the vagina. The acidic environment in the vagina helps the growth of this fungus. It is when the acidic level drops down due a variety of factors ranging from menstruation, intake of antibiotics, steroids, and diabetes, that the fungus start multiplying and cause a vaginal infection. Improper personal hygiene too is a primary cause of vaginal yeast infection. It is rarely a serious condition but can be very uncomfortable.

Home Remedies for Treating Yeast Infection

Vaginal yeast infection can either be cured orally or by vaginal insertion. Most of these home remedies have been tried and tested for their efficacy. You can usually cure yourself in the privacy of your home without the need to visit your gynecologist.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a known natural antifungal. Pour a few drops of undiluted tea tree oil on a tampon and insert into vagina. Do this morning and night. A couple of days should be sufficient.


Make a paste of garlic pods and apply to skin around the vagina. It may burn a bit, but is very effective. This paste can be used for yeast infection in other parts of the body too. Another way to use garlic for the cure of vaginal yeast infection is to cut a few garlic pods fine and wrap it in cheesecloth. Insert into vagina for about 20 minutes leaving part of cheesecloth hanging out for easy removal.


Dip a tampon in yogurt and insert in vagina. Do this twice a day, once in the morning and at night till symptoms go away. Another way is to take a tablespoon of yogurt and inset into vagina. This is best done at night just before going to bed. Regular douching with yogurt has proved effective


This is probably the stickiest and uncomfortable way of curing vaginal yeast infection, but it is said to work wonders. Take half a cup of honey into the bathroom. Pour a liberal amount of honey on all affected portions, while sitting on the toilet seat. Be seated this way for about 20 minutes. After this you can have a bath with warm water. Dry the vaginal area thoroughly using super absorbent paper. You will feel much better. Do this twice a day, morning and just before going to bed at night.


Vinegar is renowned for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Fill a bathtub with warm water mixed with 1 cup of vinegar. Soak in this bath solution for about 20 minutes. Dry the vaginal area thoroughly using super absorbent paper. Any vinegar will do, but the best results have been found using apple cider vinegar.

Yeast Infection Cure

Yeast Infection Cure

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