Acne Scar Treatment

There are many forms of acne scar treatments that one can try. Each kind of scar treatment depends on the type of acne scar you are trying to heal. The different forms of treatment include medications, safe practices, and medical procedures. No matter what type of scar treatment you use, remember that you should first consult with your doctor.

Treatment for Early Acne Scars

There are a few options you can go for in case your acne scars are quite new. Wearing sun screen for instance is quite important. Unprotected exposure to sunlight delays healing and causes more skin damage. When scabs form on your skin, avoid picking on them since this interferes with the skin’s remodeling and healing process.

You can use several medications for early acne scars. Tretinoin helps your skin speed up its natural healing and remodeling process. Alpha-Hydroxy Acids and Beta-Hydroxy Acids also work the same way. However, you should use the proper concentrations.

Medical Procedures

In case early acne scar treatment is no longer effective doctors can recommend medical procedures for treatment. Your physician will inform you of various options to treat acne scars. Do take note that every single medical procedure that is used for scar treatment will have its own benefits and associated risks. Your doctor will usually recommend using several procedures in order to get the best results. The following are some of the medical procedures your doctor might recommend.

Laser Resurfacing

This is a popular medical procedure used today and is preferred method to treat a lot of skin defects. The most popular method is using a CO2 and erbium laser. Lasers set at the exact depth burn off the skin’s top layers. The skin then goes through the natural healing process thus the patient gets newer skin appearing on the surface. The patient will then go through post-operative care as the final stage of laser resurfacing.


This procedure is also known as subcutaneous incision. The fibrous bands that create rolling scars are broken up in this procedure. Patients who opt for this acne scar treatment may have bleeding and subcutaneous nodules formed. However, these risks can be controlled and treated using anesthetics and corticosteroid injections.

Punch Elevation

This procedure uses punch tools and excises the scar’s base. The base is then elevated to the skin’s surface. It is then attached using skin glue, steri-strips, or sutures. There is less texture or color differences using this procedure.

Punch Excision

This acne scar treatment procedure also uses a punch tool. However, instead of suturing the skin’s edges, it is filled with punch skin graft. Texture and color differences are noticeable after using this procedure. But it can be corrected by using skin resurfacing.

Punch Excision

This acne scar treatment also uses a punch biopsy tool. This is one of the methods used to treat deep scars. The size of the tool used in this procedure matches the size of the scar. The scar is excised and the edges of the patient’s skin are sutured together.

Dermal Fillers

This acne scar treatment uses dermal fillers that are injected to raise the surface of the skin. This treatment is not permanent so additional injections may become necessary in the future.

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